Why Is Sri Lankan Coconut Oil Famous In The World?

Why Is Sri Lankan Coconut Oil Famous In The World?

There are many coconut oil exporters worldwide, so to decide from where you should get your products can be confusing. Whether you are using coconut oil for cooking, baking, skincare, or as a home remedy for something, finding a high-quality and reliable product is essential. If you've fallen in love with coconut oil and are researching to find the best quality products, you are in the right place. In this article, we share why you should choose Sri Lankan Coconut oil.

About Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan Coconut

Located in the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is a beautiful tropical island known for various export crops, including coconut. As the 4th coconut exporter in the world, the island is known for its high-quality products and sustainable practices in coconut cultivation and plays a significant role in the global coconut industry. In Sri Lanka, the crop accounts for approximately 12% of all agricultural produce. The evidence of coconut in Sri Lanka dates back to 2000 years.

Coconut oil is one of the most popular coconut products exported from Sri Lanka. The country produces both refined and unrefined coconut oil, with the latter being particularly popular for its natural flavor and aroma.

Apart from coconut oil, the island also exports many other coconut products, including coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut flakes, coconut coir, cocopeat, coconut water, and more.

Why You Should Choose Sri Lankan Coconut Oil?

Superior Quality

If you are looking for high-quality coconut oil, you can't go wrong with Sri Lankan coconut oil. The country's tropical climate, fertile soil, and centuries-old cultivation practices have helped the country to export some of the best products in the world, including coconut oil.

Ethical and Sustainable

If you are looking for an ethical brand to purchase your coconut oil from, you will have much better luck with a brand that sources its oil from Sri Lanka. On the island, coconut is cultivated and processed using ethical and sustainable practices.

For example, unlike some other countries where coconuts are harvested using monkey labor, Sri Lanka has banned this practice, ensuring that their coconuts are ethically and humanely harvested.

Health Benefits

Coconut products are well-known for their health benefits, and Sri Lankan coconut products are no exception. Coconut oil, in particular, is a popular choice for cooking thanks to its high levels of healthy fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. Sri Lankan coconut oil is also a great choice for skincare, as it is non-comedogenic and easily absorbed into the skin.

Fulfill Consumer Needs

The coconut oil production sector has widely adopted the latest technologies and cultivation methods to fulfill unique consumer demands. For example, at Coconut God, all our coconut oil products are 100% organic, maintaining accepted quality standards of the criteria. On the other hand, our oil is centrifuged, which helps preserve its nutrients. The country caters to many requirements of different international markets, meeting different consumer criteria and food standards.

Eco Friendly

Another reason to choose Sri Lankan coconut oil over other products is the fact that it is an eco-friendly choice. The majority of the coconut plantations in Sri Lanka are small-scale, and the country produces way less than other leading coconut exporters in the world Although the island ranks at the top 4th on the list. Thus many of the coconut plantations in Sri Lanka are grown using sustainable methods, with minimal use of pesticides and chemicals.

Apart from that, the majority of people use low-tech, energy-efficient methods for producing coconut oil which reduces carbon emissions and promotes a cleaner environment.

Supporting Sri Lankan Communities

By choosing Sri Lankan coconut oil, you're not only getting high-quality, eco-friendly products, but you're also supporting Sri Lankan communities. The coconut industry is a major source of income for many Sri Lankan families, and by choosing their products, you're helping to support their livelihoods and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

In a time the country is going through a massive financial crisis, your support can really make a difference in their lives.

Why Choose Coconut God Coconut Oil?

If you are looking for a reliable supplier to get high-quality Sri Lankan Coconut oil, we are the brand for you. At Coconut God, we bring you high-quality, organic coconut oils sourced directly from hand-picked coconut oil manufacturers. Our team has roots back in the island and a wide network which enables us to find the best suppliers who value our quality standards. Apart from that, our products are 100% raw and have no hexane or GMOs.

Check out our product range here !

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